Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The San Diego Zoo . . .

Fern Detail
. . . is amazing . . . everything anyone has ever said about it is true.  We spent the whole day there and could probably spend three in order to properly take it all in.  In addition to all the animals, the foliage is amazing and different climate zones are replicated.

After taking the overall tour on a double decker trolley, we then went exploring on our own.  It is acres and acres and acres and miles and miles and miles of walking.  Good thing I have my good running shoes. 

One of the photos that I really wanted to take was of pink flamingos, seeing as how we were going to Florida and all.  Soooo, the ones we saw in Florida were quite pathetic, especially at Flamingo Gardens . . if you are in the vicinity of this particular establishment, just keep driving . . it is not worth the price of admission.  However, I digress . . the flamingos at the zoo were amazing, and plentiful . . . . in fact so much so that it was hard to isolate just one to get a cameo photo.

 If I could turn myself into a pretzel like this bird does, i would be quite proud of myself.

From a photography perspective, I find it hard to capture the photos I would like to and not show evidence of captivity.  I hate the cages and things showing in the photos and would prefer to have the photos reflect a more natural setting.  Guess I should go on a safari for that scenario . . . . .  big sigh.

Thus the detail of the elephant is from quite a narrow perspective and only what I could get without the fencing showing.  Think he needs some anti-aging cream for all the wrinkles!!

There are so many more photos I could show, and will do so as I have time to process them.  I thought this one of the panda was neat . . what yellow teeth he has . . needs some whitening/brightening toothpaste methinks.

Another great day . . . . at the zoo.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

La Jolla . . . . .

Surf's Up
. . . . and the seaside are magical for me.  We went to this spot 5 years ago and just had to return.  Walking along the seawall is therapeutic.  I have absolutely no idea why I live in land locked Alberta when the first place I visit anywhere I go is the wharf area.  The sea especially, holds a special magnetic draw for me. 

Perfect photo . . white tipped waves, interesting rocks, tide pools, beautiful sky and a bird flying in the sky.

Now my photography friends will immediately recognize that to get this photo one actually has to be on the wet and slippery rocks and down at sea level.  You should all be very proud of me . .. jus' sayin'.

We could hear the seals long before we saw them.  Suffering cats they are noisy and they don't exactly smell like a French perfume shop either.  They were all over the bay and barking/squawking/talking to each other from every part of it.

Happened to catch a bit of wildlife . . . not that I ever go searching them out . . .but if they want to pose for me, then I will give it a shot, pun intended.  Not being a bird person . . my mother would be sooo disappointed in that one . . . I was having a heck of a time figuring out why they only had one leg . . . seemed a bit odd to me.  However, today, when sitting and watching the flamingos, I saw what actually happened to the one leg . . they tuck it under a wing . . . and here I thought this poor bird had had his leg nipped off by some nasty creature and was still surviving in the wild.

Just goes to show what you can learn from a road trip.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Telling Tales . . .

I am not that impressed
. . . out of school. 

Our drive from Downtown at the wharf San Diego in pitch black darkness . . gets pitch black at 5 p.m. here . . . was quite interesting.  Traffic was rush hour volume with 5, 6 and 7 lanes going in one direction and at a mighty fine clip I might add.  It got very curvy, narrow and hilly the further we got into the country.  Lynnwood was keeping up with traffic . . . Brenda was not impressed . . . and felt she needed a triple banger when she arrived back at the suite.   I know I have a very warped sense of humour, however this photo that I took of a dog in the next vehicle whilst we were at a stop light today, I thought best described how Brenda feels about Lynnwood's driving. 
It feels good to have a good belly laugh once in awhile.

Dear God . . .

. . . my prayer for 2012 is for a fat bank account and a thin body.  Please do not mix them up like you did last year.


Sunday, November 27, 2011

San Diego . . .

Iguanas at Shadow Ridge
. . . well actually Ramona . . that is where we are staying . .. which is about 50 miles east of San Diego.  We traveled from Palm Springs, after checking on our spot at Shadow Ridge . . . .the iguanas are doing just fine.

We were driving along Indian Canyon Road yesterday and I spied this scene which to me looked light something you would see in Europe . . . screeech . . stop and take this photo . . . . oops in the wrong lane of traffic so came back this morning to catch it in the morning light.  I thought it was breathtaking.

Wonder what is behind this wall??

Took Scenic Highway 74 . . . Brenda still has white knuckles . . . see that little black ribbon . . .. well we travelled that to the peak which was about 11 miles sorta straight up . . . steep enough that there is a sign telling you to turn off your air conditioning so that your vehicle doesn't overheat.  Trust me, I have never seen that sign in the Rocky Mountains in Canada.

The valley below

The oasis of green at the bottom of the valley is Palm Springs/Palm Desert and a whole lot of other communities that just sorta run into each other.  Just beautiful . . . . . .  could spend a lot more time there.

Did I mention that it was 78 degrees today . . . yesssssssss.  Tomorrow off to walk the ocean wall at La Jolla and then go and see the USS Midway.

Life is good.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

California . . ..

We have now officially almost crossed the country.  We go to San Diego tomorrow which is only 2 hours away, and then we will have gone from coast to coast.  What an amazing journey . . as I look back at the photos, I am so glad that I have taken about 14,000 photos as each photo triggers memories, and of course I am not done yet.

The weather here is glorious . . 78 degrees and blue sky . . in photo speak a perfect f/16.0 day.   We arrived in Palm Springs yesterday and the freeways were not that crowded . . . that's 'cause it was Black Friday and everybody was at the mall shopping!!!!  Drove through a dust storm . . .. glad me and my camera were inside the vehicle!!!  Camera bodies and lenses don't like sand and fine dust.

Brenda and Don

Staying with Brenda and Don at their Palm Springs resort until we go to San Diego.  Today we went for a walk after breakfast and I saw real lemons growing on a real tree!!
Real lemons
What a glorious blast of colour against the deep blue of the sky.  We went for lunch to a Shield's Date Garden . . . OMG . . the food was fantabulous . . . 

Lynn and I split two appetizers . . . . crab cakes and blue cheese stuffed dates wrapped in bacon . .. absolutely to die for . . will be trying to recreate that when I get home.  In view of the fact that it was beautiful day we elected to eat out in the gardens where they had neat decorations for sale.  Brenda especially liked this one.

This one has Brenda's name on it

Date Palm
Having never seen a date palm before, I thought I would take a picture of one.  That green cluster of fruit in sorta the middle of the photo . . . those are dates.

Sooo tomorrow we head further west . .. going to see the Zoo, Sea World and USS Missouri . .. . my camera may need a new shutter sooner than later.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sedona . . . .

. . . . a repeat visit . . . and this time the weather was spectacular and the sky was gorgeous.  It was a full day leaving mid-morning and arriving back in Phoenix well after dark.

I have absolutely no intentions of taking up rock climbing or anything so foolish as that, however I did climb two sets of rocks today . . .all in the name of being at a better vantage point for a photo opportunity.

That ribbon of asphalt that you see waaaaay down . . one has to be waaaay up to get that photo.  The parking lot is actually in the lower right hand corner, and yes indeed I did climb up high enough to get this photo.  Quite proud of myself actually.  The view from this height is actually spectacular and not cluttered up by buildings and vehicles.  

It was interesting to see the foliage in a completely natural environment, and not in a manicured setting.

Chapel of the Holy Cross

This incredible church is nestled amongst the natural rock and uses the crevices to its advantage.  What a spectacular view you have of the valley when you are at the platform of the church.

View of the valley from the church platform
 I think this is one of the best photos I took all day . . I just love it.

This vista was across the road from the church.  To me these tall green trees, which are unusual in this environment, look like they are soldiers standing on guard.

We stopped for an ice cream, and all the shops have Christmas out already.  There is something inherently wrong with Christmas decorations and no snow.  Not that that makes me in any rush to go home to the snow and the cold.

This was the photo I especially wanted to retake . . the  one I took last time just had a boring sky and I was hoping to get a better one this time . . . .  and indeed I did.

Serendipity . . . .

. . . that is how I would describe today.

The original plan was that we would visit Old Tuscon today.  We were up early, and as I wrote my friend Connie at 7:30 this morning . . . We are up and at it . . well Lynn is up and at it and I am just up.  In the blink of an eyelid, plans changed . .. both figuratively and literally.  I closed my eyes while Lynn was having breakfast .  . . . and awakened at 11:30 a.m. . . .  guess I was only up . . and then not for long.  Tuscon was obviously not meant to be.

Soooo, we then just relaxed and went to visit Suzi and Bruce as originally planned.  Suzi and I met earlier this year, as the result of a common friendship we both have with Connie.  We bonded instantly and it was like we have known each other forever.  She hails from South Africa and is just delightful . . .. tonight our husbands got to meet each other . . . we went for 5:00 p.m. and left at 10:00 p.m. . . .. so, needless to say it was a wonderful visit. 

Arizona beauty . . the view from their outdoor living room

Their view is breathtaking . . . at night you can see the lights of Phoenix and they are situated such that they can watch the sunset every evening.  I never thought a desert could be beautiful, however, it truly is.

Sitting outside, just waiting to serve up a delightful beverage

 Of course I had to take a photo of this lovely grouping . . I LOVE lime green . . and with the setting sun shining through the glass and the water in the background . . . it was . . . well . . .serendipity.

A few appetizers . .. such delightful presentation

 We savoured the most delicious appetizers and Suzi packed us up some leftovers for a picnic lunch for when we go to Sedona tomorrow.  As Rachel Ray would say, how good is that??!!!!

The sun was starting to set and Lynn grabbed the little camera, laid himself right on the ground and took this photo. It was amazing to watch the colours of the pool change.  What a tranquil and peaceful setting.

 As if we needed any more to eat, Suzi offered up some chocolates.  I just loved the presentation. 

There is a song that contains the line was "memories are made of moments like this."  

How true, so very true . . . the one thing I have taken away from this journey is that in the end, it is all about the memories created by and with special people in your life.

There are many special people in our lives . . . we are so richly blessed.

Monday, November 21, 2011

I Had a Dream . . ..

. . . . .  today has been a chillin`out day . . . processing some photos, reflecting on our amazing journey, and catching my breath from the frenetic pace we have been keeping.

We visited Washington, DC last month . . . I fell in love with this City and I MUST go back . . there was no way we could take it all in . .we walked, and walked and walked and walked . .. until there was barely any part of my feet not covered with blister paks.  My feet finally gave out . .. those broken bones from a few years back came back to haunt me . . .. and I just couldn`t walk another step.  As a result we didn`t get to see some of the things on our list.

Up close and personal

 History has been, and will continue to be made in this building.  For me, seeing it in real life makes all the difference in the world.  It is truly beautiful and the grounds are spectacular.

George Washington
This statue is right across the street from the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue.  The whole block is blocked to vehicular traffic, and hordes of peoples are milling about, along of course, with hordes of security.  Actually found that the security folks were very friendly and helpful.  We both asked questions and we were treated very graciously.  Of course we should be, we are Canadian!!

Library of Congress
Lynn walked in here . . now he is a man of few words . . most of the time . . and said WOW.  This building is just amazing and reminds me of the European style.  People milling everywhere .. hard to take photos . .. next time we will go much earlier in the day.

Iwo Jima
We didn`t get to all the war memorials that we wanted to, but this one was on the top of our list.  Very profound and of course having watched History TV about the actual event and the story behind the creation of the monument, it meant even more to see it in real life.  This was one of those places where school buses were lined up foreva . . . . every 10 minutes another bus drove up . .  .and we are not talking the yellow ones . ..we are talking HUGE tour buses filled with kids and their teachers from all over the country.  Thus the close cropped photo . . helps to have a telephoto lens!!!
National Cathedral
Unfortunately this amazing church was damaged in the earthquake and there was scaffolding everywhere as she was under repair.  Another reason I have to go back to Washington . .. the interior of this church is phenomanal and I have to see it with my own eyes and so does my camera.  This is truly one of the most beautiful churches I have seen this side of the Atlantic.

Detail from the Lincoln Memorial
No photos will ever do justice to the Lincoln Memorial.  It is massive, and hugely impressive.  Again, peoples milling about everywhere . . would pay to go earlier in the morning for good photos.  The view of the city from here is amazing.  If you imagine Martin Luther King standing on those steps and speaking to the masses which filled the space to overflowing all the way to the National Monument, it is all quite overwhelming . . .. and powerful.
Marks the spot where Martin Luther King stood

You see the pictures on TV, but when you see the space with your own eyes it is even more overwhelming. I Have a Dream . . for me, sums up how I feel about this journey we have been on . . . a bucket list of places to see where present and past history has taken place . . . more amazing in real life than any HD TV program could ever make it . . . feel so lucky and privileged to have had this journey. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Wrigley Mansion . . .

View from the side garden
. . .in my humble opinion, somewhat underwhelming.  It is high on the mountain above the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, which we also visited again today.  The view of the city and surrounding landscape is very advantageous, and you can get that without paying the $15 each for the house tour . . . . and no Senior's Discount either.  Just thought I would mention that.  This is one house where you can take photos inside . . . I didn't take any.  Anyway, the view was lovely and it was just another gorgeous day.  Have I mentioned that I am loving the warmth.

Front doorway
The front doorway was quite interesting with inlaid tile . . . all the tile came from Catalina Island, which Mr. Wrigley owned a huge portion of.  All of the tile in the home is original and was shipped to Los Angeles and then brought to Phoenix which was 10 miles away at the time and then hauled up the mountain by mule.  He really liked his tile and every fireplace in the home is different and so is every bathroom.  He actually only lived in the home for a few months before he passed away at 70 years of age from a heart attack. 

Spent a bit of time wandering the grounds before we went on the tour.  It has many rock stairways and things, and me being me and having a propensity for falling down stairs, was negotiating them quite gingerly.

Just waved at me to take his photo

I always love photographing nature and trying to catch the sunlight ... this one was perfect.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

What Fun . . .

. . . . . and I felt like a kid again.  That is the second time on this journey that this has happened.  The first time was at Disney . . everyone says that would happen . . ..and I pooh poohed it . . however it is true.  Your heart just sings.
Up, up and away

Today we went to the Arizona Balloon Classic . . when you see all those colours and the balloons being inflated and soaring away . . it doesn't matter how old you are . . it just makes you glad to be alive.  I have now for sure added a hot air balloon ride to my bucket list.  I mean if I can parasail, surely this should be no big deal. 

There were thousands of people there and it really was a family event.  The children were just so excited to see the balloons and it was generally a carnival atmosphere.

One of the pit crew let me right to the edge of the balloon so that I could take a photo of the inside . . . . . . love the geometric lines.

 Then to top it all off, and it was a gorgeous day, the Master Painter presented us with this vista.  

Glorious, just glorious.

Life is good.

Friday, November 18, 2011

I never would have thought . . ..

. . . . that seeing a cactus would bring me great joy!!!  

However, today, for me, they are symbolic of warmth and I haven't been warm since the 29th of October when we left Williamsburg, Virginia.   My Manulife friends won't believe this, as they call whatever room I am in the "menopause" room . . .. 'cause I am always too hot.  Such has not been the case these last 3 weeks.  I have purchased wool underwear, wool socks, gore tex running shoes, a toque and mitts just to stay warm . . . . and those socks went to bed with me sometimes as well!!!  Soo today, at 78 degrees with the sun shining and a gorgeous blue sky . . . just fabulous!!

One of the places we wanted to visit this time was Frank Lloyd Wright's Phoenix home, which is actually in Scotsdale.  He was an architect who is probably one of the most famous in the last hundred years, and certainly the most influential, as he brought contemporary housing design to the forefront emerging from the Victorian era.  He was certainly ahead of his time in that his residence was very "green" and that was his philosophy of life.  He believed a home should reflect the surroundings in which it was built.  He loved the colour red and even painted his cars red, and he loved angles and geometry.

The breezeway

His property is situated on the "eyebrow of the mountain", thus the name Taliesin West, taliesin being a Welsh term for eyebrow.  There is also a Taliesin in Wisconsin.  What I never realized before today, and I did have prior knowledge of his work, was that his residence was actually a collection of rooms and buildings, all having various functions and completely in tune with nature.  He loved fireplaces and playing with unique ways of creating "eye music" by using recessed and floor lighting to create shadows and shapes.

Today, his legacy lives on as there is an accredited program of architecture taking place on the property at the princely sum of $30,000 per year which does by the way, include room and board.   When he built the original property he had apprentices doing all the work by hand . . no big equipment was used in 1937 which is when construction began on this property, and when you see how rugged the surrounding landscape is, that was more than a major feat.  

One of the many sculptures on the property
We were very fortunate to have such beautiful weather to visit this national treasure, as we didn't have time to go the last time we were here.

If you are interested in reading more about his history, here is a link:

I actually find this all quite fascinating, as the kind of photography I enjoy the most is architectural.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

NASA . . .

Unfortunately I started this online diary about 6 weeks into our journey, so have a lot of catching up to do . . .

As you walk in
Going to take you back to Day One of this journey after we had arrived in Orlando on the Friday.  Our first port of call was to visit NASA on the Saturday.  It was an amazing facility and just wish we could have been there for a shuttle launching.  That would have been over the top.  Our kids aren't going to believe this but we actually went for a mock launching and experienced a force of 3G . . .. I am here to tell you that it sorta flattens one's face!!!!

Of course Lynn needed to be an astronaut for a day.  I would be terribly remiss if I didn't include a photo of the Canada Arm.  It is actually very impressive and is the first thing you see as you enter into the building. It gave us a much better sense of scale to see it in real life

Canada Arm

We then viewed some of the retired space missiles.  One absolutely cannot comprehend the size of these . . . 

Beyond Belief
We helped close the place down as it was all so very interesting.  Traveled down the coast to Oceanside/Jensen Beach and witnessed our first Florida sunset.  I had my camera set up in our room before the rest of the luggage was even in there as the sun was beginning to set . . . one has to have one's priorities straight you know!!!


 Life is good . . . and it was breathtaking.